I'd Like to Move You

I’d like to move you.

Health, in its most basic sense, can be conceptualized as balanced movement. Yes, your joints need to move, but so do cells, chemicals need to be exchanged, electricity needs to get to and from its destination, the vascular system needs just the right amount of movement, and so on.

Disease is when things are either moving too slow or too fast. Hyper/hypothyroidism. Gastrointestinal bacterial overgrowth. Congestive heart failure. Cancer. Orthopedic pain. Things get stuck or things run wild, and the goal is to return to nature and let the system do what it does best: find homeostasis.

Everything you touch creates a certain kind of movement, and many things can move you. Physical practice, food, acupuncture, Western drugs, herbal medicine, surgery, your relationships, your focus, etc. - they all work differently, with different targets, depending on the type of movement you need. And it’s our work to assess how your system is moving on all these different levels and help you find your way to whatever solution you need to restore that natural movement.

Whatever the cause, the point is you need to move - not too much, not too little; not too fast, not too slow. But we need you to move.

Matthew Tolstoy