Manual Therapy

Not all health issues are best treated with acupuncture as the only treatment modality. Depending on your health history and current presentation, it may be more appropriate to use a combination of acupuncture, manual therapy, and other approaches to address the root of the issue. Different modalities affect the body in different ways, and finding the right combination of treatment strategies is essential for success.

Uncovering this optimum strategy is the goal of the in-depth initial intake, and continuous reassessment is a standard part of our care in order to achieve the best possible results. It is natural for issues to shift over the course of the treatment process, and it is important to remain in dialogue with that change to constantly meet you where you are at in your movement towards health.

What is treatment like?

If we find that a manual approach would be helpful for your case, a more specific assessment of your tissue is performed. Once the abnormal tissue is located and defined, we use specific manual release protocols to correct the problem. The two major systems of manual therapy we use in the clinic are Stecco-style Fascial Manipulation (FM) and Functional Range Release (FR). Both of these approaches are aimed at reducing abnormal tissue tension, improving healing, increasing range of motion/flexibility, reducing pain, and improving function. 

In addition to manual treatment, you'll receive simple take-home exercises specific to your condition that will expedite the healing process and ensure that the problem doesn't return.

Manual therapy for... what?

Many patients are surprised to hear that soft tissue tension can be a contributing factor in internal medicine conditions like PMS, gastritis, acid reflux, and others. Connective tissue, in particular fascia, surrounds and supports almost every structure in the body, including internal organs, and in some cases restoring proper tissue quality and movement can be a major step towards feeling better.


Matthew Tolstoy