
What we look at determines what we are able to see. The world is too complex for us to be aware of every part, so our brains evolved a filtering system that makes the picture more manageable. The filter is set by what we value and are aiming at; so the world is revealed to us to a certain degree through the template of these values. Things are emphasized or overlooked in pursuit of the aim.

So if the life you are seeing is not the life you want, it may be time to reexamine your values. It may be time to let go. To let go of whatever value is oppressing and restricting you, rather than a value that orients and shapes your action.

Maybe it’s time to let go and stop valuing a certain person or group of people’s opinion of you. Or let go of being rigidly attached to a specific body type. Or let go of being right. There are many ways values can become unhelpful oppressors.

When you are having a tough time, it can be helpful to ask, “What am I valuing that makes things worse rather than better?” and let yourself potentially be surprised by the answer.

Also: thanks to Jerry the Cat for sharing the vision. ❤️

Matthew Tolstoy